Saturday, March 3, 2007

6th Graders in Elementary School

Great news feed from ASCD, story listed above. Finally some research that supports middle school and placement of students. After beginning our charter school in Baltimore we recognized the difficult place 6th graders are in. We pulled them from the trenches of worksheet hell and put them in a place where we offered them a voice, forced them to be metacognitive, and learn through social construction of meaning. Absolute rebellion is what I'd call the first 6 months.

Overhaul of cultural norms for school, a place to pour libations, learn discipline through martial arts, and an advocate for every child began to bring down the guard of our children and allow us to guide them (and them guide us!) into a quality learning environment. We began to think how great it would have been to have these kids one year earlier. One year in the city as a 10-12 year old will propel any tween into full on teenage years so getting kids earlier is better, period.

The need for more research around academic and social success for middle school students in various grade structures would benefit the evolution of education over the next few years (o.k. that's rather ambitious, 10 years then..). The more I'm involved in schools of various grade combination the more convinced I am 5th and 6th graders combine well, 7th graders are their own beast and need to room to live that year, and 8th and 9th meld well. (9th graders in a high school building is a whole other blog topic)

Chant with me people *more middle school studies, more middle school studies!!*


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